Monday, September 13, 2010

Making a Difference

I am writing today for two reasons: to encourage those of you that are sponsors and then to plead with you to help me find this little boy a sponsor.

We have diligently been working on a new child letter system. One of our boys, Innocent Atugonza, wrote a letter to his sponsor that I would like to share with you.

"It’s me your handsome son writing to thank you for choosing me.
Thank you so much for taking such a decision in spite of the economic crisis.
You must be a great lady of faith. Me I am also a steward of faith.
I had faith that I would get a mum and now Hebrews 11:1 has come to pass.
I believed God for a mum and now I have you-glory be to God."

I found this letter would be of great encouragement to many of you who sponsor our children and maybe don't think you are really making that big of a difference. However, after reading letter after letter like this one from Innocent I want you to be encouraged that you are indeed cherished and loved deeply by your sponsored child.

I thank all of you who have made sacrifices during what Innocent has called an economic crisis. I understand that it is not always easy to continue sponsorship during difficult time but your faithfulness in that is so greatly appreciated. We are grateful for you and your faithfulness to our minsitry and your sponsored child.

On a sad note, prior to Innocent sending this letter, his sponsor had to cancel her sponsorship. I have a desire to find him a sponsor more than anything because he was so excited about their new sponsorship relationship. Please help me find a sponsorship for Innocent!


Jackson Senyonga

Christian Life Ministries

