Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Leaps and Bounds for HIV Prevention in Uganda

What wonderful news! Uganda is going to host a major HIV Clinic. There are hopes for a new vaccination to come out, which is exciting. Of course, my main wish for HIV is education of abstinence before marriage and generally safe and healthy choices, but for some, these preventative measures are not enough. There are abstinent wives who are affected by their husbands. There are innocent children who are infected as a result of being born to an HIV positive mother. A vaccination would sure help, and I am happy to know that measures are being taken to find such vaccinations and get them to the people of Uganda.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Must Read for Sponsors: Some of our Kids Earn Excellent Marks on Entrance Exam!!

Hello all!!

I write with great news! Our children recently took an entrance exam to be able to go to a prestigious middle school. The scores are in, and boy are we proud!! They earned some great marks and will be accepted into the middle school, which means they will be leaving the village. So, sponsorship for that child will discontinue, but we do need a donation to be able to send each child to school in the amount of $250 per child. We are calling on current sponsors, so please check your voicemail and email if your child is listed below! If you would like to cover this fee for a child whose sponsor cannot, please contact us immediately. We will let you know if any of our sponsors couldn’t donate the full amount to see what sum is remaining to be able to send that child to school. We are so proud!

Isaac Mwesigwa
Joseph Ntale
Rose Kisakye
Mike Kiyimba
Jonathan Kawulukusi
Vincent Sentongo
Elizabeth Nalule
Muluta Bernard
Bernard Onyango
Brian Wamala
Simon Lugolobi
Rhoda Asinde
Daphine Kyakuwa
Trevor Kazibwe
Kefa Tom
Erinah Bakinyomye

Please get in contact with us if your child is listed above. You should be proud of your sponsored child! We would love to talk to you about covering full or partial school admission and possibly transferring your sponsorship to another child who will remain in the village. Our contact information is below.

All His blessings,

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

P.O. Box 270279
Flower Mound, TX 75028


Talk to Allison or Tasha

Friday, January 22, 2010

Finalizing Mission Trip Lists

We are in the process of finalizing our list of mission trip participants. If you are interested and haven't done so, please let us know!! Email us at We look forward to welcoming you to Uganda! :)

I pray that each of you have a safe and happy weekend! I can't believe January is almost over!

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feel Good Story about Deaf in Uganda

Take a moment and read this short article, “Education Unleashed Potential for Deaf.”

Stories like this are inspirational for me. I have all of my senses, and it is sometimes a struggle for me to not create my own boundaries. I see success stories like this, and it reminds me that I can do anything I want if I try! I hope this serves as a little pick me up to all of you out there who need that reminder that God has given you able body, mind, and soul to achieve almost anything!

Pastor Jackson Senyonga,
Christian Life Ministries

Monday, January 18, 2010

I have a dream...

In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr Day:

I have a dream that one day the nation of Uganda will rise up as a nation headed by moral and Christian beings!

I have a dream that one day all people of Uganda will be rid of intolerance, corruption, hunger, and preventable disease.

I have a dream that Uganda will be transformed into an oasis of prosperity and self-reliance.

I have a dream that the people of Uganda will hold the Bible as the foundation for their faith and believe that it is infallible and wholly inspired by God.

I have a dream that the people of Uganda will find salvation as the free gift of God, offered to men and women by Grace and received in personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day all people of Uganda will be filled with hope and love for Christ, and that this hope and love will empower them for Christian service.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that every orphan and widow will have a home, that every person in Uganda will be cared for and shown the gentle hand of God.

This is our hope, and this is the faith that I return each time with!

And this will be the day – the day when all of God’s children will be able to care for themselves and others in Christian service.

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

Improvements in Cancer Awareness in Uganda

Uganda just saw a fundraising event completely devoted to cancer prevention, awareness, and cure. This is refreshing because cancer deaths are a serious problem in Uganda. To put it in perspective, about 75% of cancer cases in the U.S. are cured, whereas in Uganda, cancer is a death sentence for 80% of all people who get it. Uganda also has the world’s highest death rate for children with cancer. It is great to see that there have been so much done so far to help this condition improve, from the Mulago Cancer Center to fundraising groups like Bless a Child. Please pray for this positive change to continue.

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

Friday, January 15, 2010

Eclipse This Morning

I was fortunate enough to be able to witness a rare occurance... an eclipse! It came over Uganda this morning. The moon was in front of the sun for just a few minutes. It was neat to see.

I know in person it was way cool, and in type, it probably isn't so cool. But I wanted to share this experience. What a beautiful world He hath created!

Please have a safe and happy weekend!


Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photos of the New Years Eve National Celebration on Flickr!

I have posted photos from the huge New Years Eve National Celebration on my Flickr! Check it out by following this link:

The event went down without a hitch. In fact, we had even more people than expected, with an estimated 80-100 THOUSAND PEOPLE in attendance. We were so honored to be allowed to host it at the President's airport, Kololo Airstrip. It was such a great event. Close to 100,000 people prayed passionately for millions of other people. Thousands of souls were harvested, and all eyes were turned to God.

The theme of the night was "All will be Recovered," encouraging all who had lost something.

We had preaching, great music and dance, fervent prayer, and fireworks! It was a night not to be forgotten by the people of Uganda!

We were so happy to have our friends there with us, the Sargents, and their beautiful dance team. Thanks gang!

All His blessings,

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pneumonia kills 27,000 Ugandan Children Each Year!

I heard a statistic about children and pneumonia, and when I went to confirm, I found this article.

It is so horrible to think of children dying. Pneumonia is a serious disease; actually, it is the world’s leading killer of children, taking 1.8 million children per year. But, in Uganda, it is exceptionally bad because there is a lack of treatment for suffering children. Many pneumonia deaths could be prevented if children were taken to get their medications and treatments. In Uganda, less than 20% of infected children receive antibiotics, which costs less that $1 each child. Please pray with me that (1) Uganda parents will understand the risk and take their children to seek medical care and (2) there will be plentiful supply of antibiotics at an affordable rate for poverty stricken families to get relief. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for helping us help Ugandans. God bless!

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

Monday, January 4, 2010

Photos from Christmas Party on Flickr!

I posted the photos from the childrens’ Christmas party at the orphan village in Uganda on Flickr! It was such a great time. They sure do love soda, which we were so happy to be able to provide thanks to generous donations towards the gifts and Christmas party! Eve and I had such a good time. It is the little moments that remind us why we do what we do and that encourage us for the years to come! Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU to everyone that helped us make this possible! It means so much to the children, some of which have never received a Christmas gift before… It is a great opportunity to explain the meaning of Christmas to the children, all of whom were so in tuned and excited to hear the story whether for the first time or for the fiftieth!

Eve has many photos in there! I may be biased, but I do think she is so beautiful on film! :) :D

To see the photos, visit my Flickr at

Happy Viewing!

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries
