Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Join Us in Uganda!

We need you and the skill set that you hold in multiple ministry projects in Uganda. Please find the multiple areas of ministry and consider how you can add to each one. If you do not think you have a relevant skill set, come with your heart and serve to make a difference!

1. Medical Outreach. With a poor and sick nation comes the need for medical care. Christian Life Ministries has made great leaps in this area, but there is still plenty of need to be fulfilled. This includes providing general medical care, dental care, and eye health care for our children, believers, and non-believers alike.

2. Business Leadership. To help the economy and create jobs, we encourage business professionals in any industry to help us help the businesses of Uganda. This includes participating in business summits, 1-on-1 mentoring, and anything else to influence the business arena of this nation.

3. Serve Orphan Villages. Christian Life Ministries has two operating orphan villages in order to take in helpless orphans and widows in an effort to raise them up to be future leaders of Uganda. The children are given a home, a loving family, an education, and hope for a better future. They are raised to know and love Jesus Christ, and the morals that are instilled in them will help Uganda to be a better place by emphasizing kindness, love, patience, humbleness, peace, and self-control among others. We need your help in many areas in this orphan villages, including giving love to the children, Vacation Bible School, widows/mothers ministry, construction and renovation, decoration, etc.

4. Evangelism. We are always trying to spread the great news of the Lord to all of the eager souls of Uganda. We do this through church planting, church construction, 1-on-1 and community open door mini-crusades, etc.

5. School Outreach. Help from the ground up through school outreach programs. We are specifically looking for teachers and school administrators to influence the academic decision makers of Uganda by meetings and consultations as well as major school assemblies.

6. Other Specific Projects.
A. Building Projects
B. IT Support for Church and Orphan Village
C. Worship Clinics
D. Sports Clinics
E. Landscaping
F. Media Ministry and Improvements

Bring your specific talents and put them to work in Uganda to change the lives of so many!

Please visit our missions website for more information on coming to Uganda!!

