Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missions Teams

This summer, Jackson Senyonga and Christian Life Ministries have hosted about 120 guests from the United States for short-term mission trips, with winter mission trip coming up in December, the number of guests is expected to go beyond 150. Praise God!

These wonderful guests leave behind lasting smiles on the people of Uganda. They serve in so many ways. UKids, a very project oriented team, came this year to help start the school building for our children. They also put on a Vacation Bible School and did some mum training. Another group with members from Colorado and Alaska came to build a computer lab, a lavatory, and do special projects in Lira… all for our children. Dr. Dan from Ohio brought a team to do a temporary dental clinic for the children and mums. Rick Chowdry did maintenance on our water purification plant that he helped plant. Houses were painted, clothesline was hung, mums were blessed, and children were loved. The list goes on and on.

We are forever grateful for these teams that are helping shape Uganda’s future by preparing its leaders today.

To find out more about our winter mission trip, please visit www.theugandaexperience.com.

Have a beautiful day,

Pastor Jackson Senyonga
Senior Pastor and Founder
Christian Life Ministries

