Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Egg"cellent News!

If you have been keeping up with our monthly newsletters, you have already heard by now that we have chickens in our village. They started as tiny chicks and have now grown to be full-size, egg-bearing hens, which was “egg”zactly our prayer for them. They are now producing many eggs, giving the children and moms in the village another variety of food to eat. Considering the “egg”cellent health benefits of this incredible, edible food, adding fresh eggs to their diets will help the children grown up healthy and strong. For “egg”zample, studies have shown that eggs are great for eye health, provide choline for brain and heart health, and nourish the body with protein, essential amino acids, healthy fat, and vitamin D. The healthy nutrients in eggs are no yolk! In addition to providing a healthy food source to add to the diets of the children and house moms, the chicken project has also been great for education. The children are eager to learn about chickens and eggs. They will read just about any book that has a chicken in it, which is “egg”citing news for their English reading instructors. Plus, they are learning the trade of raising chickens, which could be helpful in their adult life in both opening career options and feeding their families. After all, you can’t put all your eggs in one basket! There’s one thing for sure: if there was an “egg”xam, the children would all earn an A+. In many ways, the “egg”stra benefits of the chicken project, like being a learning tool, have been as rewarding as the healthy benefits. Primarily, the children are the ones who take care of the chickens, at their request. They feed, water, and clean after the chickens, but the most fun part is collecting the eggs. The children get giddy when they find that the number of eggs produced increases each week. They use their critical thinking to “egg”speriment with feeding times and partitions to see if it affects output and talk about what they can do “nest” time to help. Thank you to all who have donated to make the chicken project a success! What were once such tiny little birds are making a big difference in our children’s physical and mental growth! Well, that’s all yolks! :-)

Because of Calvary,

Jackson Senyonga

Christian Life Ministries

