Monday, July 25, 2011

A Fence of Protection

We are excited to see all the progress that has been made on the fence in both the Lira and Seeta village. The Lira fence has already been completely finished and the Seeta fence is well on it’s way to being completed.

For those of you who have not heard, we are having to place a fence around our Lira and Seeta Villages to be in compliance with government standards. It is comforting to know that our children are safer now that the fences are being put up around the perimeter of the villages.

After finding out about the fences needing to be built, we became overwhelmed with the fact that these fences were going to be expensive to complete. We began to pray that the Lord would calm our uneasiness and provide a way to obtain the money to build these fences. The Lord answered in a mighty way and we immediately began to receive money from sponsors which helped to make the overall cost more affordable for the ministry.

These fences are such a blessing to our ministry, our kids, our staff, and even visitors. For example, a woman, from the United States, visited the village and after seeing the fence she immediately fell to her knees and praised God for the fence and what it meant for our children. There will be safety and protection over the lives of nearly 1,000 children.

The Lord has continually provided for us over and beyond what we needed. With one fence up and another one in progress, our children can now play outside safely and our staff members do not have to worry about unwanted visitors coming into the village. What a praise this is! Thank you for all of the prayers and support you have given to make this project possible. We truly believe the Lord has given us these kids to take care of and keep safe which we do not take lightly. With the new addition of the fences, we are able to continue shepherding this children into leaders of tomorrow.

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exalt you” Psalms 5:11

Because of Calvary,

Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

