Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pillowcase Project Update

I am writing to update you on the Pillowcase Project. The ladies here in our office aer still working hard once a month to sew dresses for our orphans. To my understanding there are also several other groups making dresses in their towns and with their friends.

On top of that, The Pillowcase Project, has now fully partnered with us and is helping to provide dresses for all of our girls. We will be delivering these dress in December which is just 3 months away! All dresses will need to be in our office by the beginning of December so that we can sort through them and get them into the suitcase of our team members going on the mission trip.

Currently, we need more teenage sizes for our older girls. Mum Betty has communicated with us that about 150 of the 400 dress will need to be larger for our older girls. If you could make an extra effort to make dresses in this size that would be so helpful! Also, if you can make boys shorts that would be great too.

We are currently looking into what we will be doing for the 600 boys in our village. We will have to look at Uganda business or women making shorts locally to assist us in this project. You can help us by sponsoring a dress for $15 or even sponsoring boys shorts/tshirts for $15.

If you choose to sponsor this project, we would like to send a personal message from you to the child you sponsor so please provide us with a short note for them with your donation.

By His Grace,

Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Minsitries

