Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Colorado Team Led by Dr. O'Connell

For several years, Dr. Larry O’Connell and a team from Colorado have come to Uganda on a mission to advance the work of Christian Life Ministries and more importantly the work of His Kingdom. His Kingdom has not only been advanced by the acts of service, but also in the lives of those serving. Dr. O’ Connell has witnessed the growth and maturity in the lives of those who have served with him and in his own life.

When asked what the Colorado teams main priority is during these trips, Dr. O'Connell said:

To assist CLM and the ministries of CLM to become self-supporting and self-sustaining. This process will take years and will only be accomplished through God’s grace and the fulfillment of His will. [He] believes that this will be accomplished through the educating of the next generation of young Ugandans and by providing mentorship to them through this process. [He] is excited and believes in [his] heart that the young men and women of Seeta and Lira will be the next generation for the community and state leaders. This can be facilitated by starting educational and vocational training to both the orphans and the house moms in the care of CLM. The true landscape of Uganda will only change when Ugandans are leading the change, not relying upon outsiders from the community.

The Colorado team along with team members from UKIDS, put some finishing touches on the lavatory they started building last summer. It is looking great and we are excited about being able to use it very soon. The plumbing is completed, sinks hung, natural lighting arranged, and the water towers erected and connected. There are a few kinks we need to work out before it’s in full running order, but we look forward to what a difference this facility will make in the village.

In Seeta, the Colorado team replenished the medical clinic with all the supplies that were needed. New mosquito nets were hung for those children who did not have them and nets that were damaged beyond repair were replaced. The pediatrician, Dr. Cathy Cupp, from Mississippi, spent a total of three days mentoring the clinic staff in the physical assessment of children. Dr. Douglas Clark from Colorado springs, spent the same amount of time reviewing and strengthening clinic policies, particularly the Malarial Prevention Program. The Colorado team also hosted optical, pediatric, general medicine, gynecology, and physical therapy clinics at the Ayira Hospital, which is where the Lira orphans go when needed. Not to mention, they were able to accomplish 35 major surgeries during their time at the hospital.

Something else Dr. O’ Connell is excited about? That they now have supplied the dental clinic. Two dental chairs are to arrive in Uganda later this month and upon getting these they will be ready to provide not only extractions, but restorative care. Their hope is that dentists will now come and work for a week or two at Seeta Village helping to provide and restore dental health to the children.

Christian Life Ministries was so blessed to host Dr. Larry O’Connell and his team in Uganda. We are thankful for the love and dedication they have shown our children and ministry. What a blessing they are to us!

Because of Calvary,

Jackson Senyonga
Christian Life Ministries

