Monday, August 22, 2011

Visitation Day

Visitation is a common occurrence in Africa for children who attend schools where they live on site. So every once in awhile the children get a chance to see their parents, in your child’s case, their house mothers, other Christian Life Ministries’ staff members, and this year they got to see Ukids!

A brief visit was made to the London College campus and the rest of the day was spent at the Crown City Campus where most of our orphans are. Due to the overwhelming number of students and visitors, the school availed a main hall for Ukids and the children. The kids were able to have the visitors all to themselves which is such a big treat for them.

Pastor Eve Senyonga spoke with the children and commended them on their hard work and discipline. She also reminded them that they are the future leaders and encouraged them to stay focused.

Then came the fun part! For lunch, the kids were served by Ukids which acted as the ‘waiters and waitresses’. Ukids provided a great example of servitude and generosity as they not only served the children food, but also made sure they were well taken care of in other areas.

The children got time to really interact with the visitors and they were thrilled that these visitors took time to come and visit them. Every child was also given a pack of clothes that was pre-selected according to size. The students enjoyed receiving their new clothing as it is such a special privilege to them to get new clothes.

The children were also ‘re-filled’ with ‘goodies’ and other school items. The CLM students felt the love that every other child feels on visitation day. It was nice for them to not feel left out because of their circumstances.

The students were in awe of how much love was shown to them and the acts of kindness that were shown on behalf of them. This visitation day will help the students to get reenergized and refocused for their future school work.

Because of Calvary,

Jackson Senyonga

Christian Life Ministries

