Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jesus Provides during a drought.

In times of drought there are lessons to be learned for all of us. One example would be the story of Jesus in the wilderness where he fed five-thousand people. Before he performed the miracle of multiplication, he instructed the gigantic crowd to split up into groups of fifty. After they were split into smaller groups he asked that they all sit down. By sitting down the crowd showed that they had patience for and trust in Jesus Christ. After they sat Jesus multiplied the bread and the fish. The crowd started with just five loaves of bread and two fish, but they watched in disbelief as Jesus performed a miracle. With a minimal amount of food he was able to feed thousands of hungry people!

Now take this story and apply it to this financial drought. Imagine that God is asking us to wait patiently on him and focus our attention to him.

In times like this we MUST remember, Christ is our providing Lord, EVEN in the unknown wilderness.

Pastor Jackson Senyonga

